Wednesday 21 May 2014


AEZ--               Agro-ecological Zones
AFACI--           Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative
AVRDC--         Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center
AWD--             Alternate Wetting and Drying
BARC--           Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
BARI--             Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
BAU--              Bangladesh Agricultural University
BBS--              Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
BCRDV--         Baby Chick Ranikhet Disease Vaccine
BFRI--             Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute
BGM--             Botrytis Gray Mold
BINA--             Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
BJRI--             Bangladesh Jute Research Institute
BRRI--            Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
BSFB--           Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer
BSRI--            Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
BW--              Bacterial Wilt
CLS--             Cercospora Leaf Spot
CRI--             Crown Root Initiation
DAE--            Days After Emergence
DAP--            Days After Plantation
DAT--            Days After Transplanting
DAS--           Days After Sowing
DO--             Dissolved Oxygen
FCR--           Feed Conversion Ration
FRG--          Fertilizer Recommendation Guide
GDP--          Gross Domestic Product
GLH--          Grass Leaf Hopper
HYV--          High Yielding Variety
ICARDA--    International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
ICRISAT--   International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
IPM--           Integrated Pest Management
Isd--            Iswardi
Kg--            Kilogramme
MHAT--      Moist Hot Air Temperature
MP--           Muriate of Potash
NARS--      National Agricultural Research System
NGO--       Non-Government Organizations
OP--          Open Pollinated
PI--            Panicle Initiation
PLRV--      Potato Leaf Roll Virus
PRSV--     Papaya Ring Spot Virus
PTM--       Potato Tuber Moth
PTOS--     Power Tiller Operated Seeder
PVC--       Polymerized Vinyl Chloride
RDV--       Ranikhet Disease Vaccine
SAARC--      South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SBP--           Stable Bleaching Powder
STP--           Spaced Transplantation
t/ha--            Ton/hectare
TSP--           Triple Super Phosphate
TSS--           Total Soluble Solid
USG--          Urea Super Granules
UMS--         Urea-molasses-straw
WRC--        Wheat Research Centre
YLCV--       Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
YVMV--      Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus

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