Sunday 11 May 2014

Pest Management of Turmeric

Pest Management of Turmeric

Major diseases and control measures:
Turmeric leaf spot (Colletotrichum capsici)
Control measures:
Use disease free seed (rhizome).
Treat the rhizome by steeping in a mixture of Dithane M-45 @ 2.5 g/l water and
Bavistin @ 1 g/l water for about 60 minutes before storage as well as before
Leaf spot can be controlled by spraying Bavistin@ 1-2 g/l water or Mencozeb @ 2
g/l water at 10-15 days interval for 2-3 times. The first spray must be at 30 days
after emergence.
Turmeric leaf blotch (Taphrina maculens)
Control measures:
Use of disease tolerant/resistant variety.
Use disease free seed (rhizome).
Rhizomes should be treated by steeping in a mixture of Dithane M-45 @ 2.5g/l
water and Bavistin @1g/l for 60 minutes before storage as well as before
Leaf blotch can be controlled by spraying Bavistin@1-2g/lor Mencozeb @ 2g/l water
at10-15 days interval for 2-3 times. The first spray must be at 30 days after emergence.
In severe infection spraying of Score or Foliqur @ 1ml/l of water at 7-10 days
interval for 2-3 times.
Major insects and control measures:
Rhizome fly (Mimegralla coeruleifrons) Macq.
Shoot borer (Conogethes punctiferalis)
Control measures:
Affected shoots should be destroyed.
Spraying Melathion 2 ml/l of water at 30 day intervals or Carbosulfan 2 ml/l of
water or Imidacloprid 0.5 ml/lofwater or Lambda-cyhalothrin 1 ml/l of water
during July to October at 21 days interval.
The spraying has to be initiated when the first symptom of pest attack is seen on
the inner most leaves on the pseudo stem.
Leaf roller (Udaspes folus)
Control measures:
Hand picking of caterpillers helps in reduction of insect population.
Spraying with carbaryl 2 g/l water or dimethoate 2 ml /l water is effective for
insect control.
Thrips (Panchaetothrips indicus)
Control measures:
Spray water with detergent powder should be done.
Spraying Dimethoate1 ml/l or Lambda-cyhalothrin1 ml/l water or Metasystox are
effective for the control of this pest.

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