Sunday 4 May 2014

New fungus-resistant wheat variety introduced in Bangladesh

New fungus-resistant wheat variety introduced in Bangladesh

A variety of wheat resistant to a deadly fungus has been introduced into Bangladesh, a traditional rice-growing region.

The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) said it introduced the wheat variety in Bangladesh in March that is tolerant to the Ug99 strain of stem-rust fungus.

The new wheat variety, named Francolin, has “good” resistance to all varieties of Ug99, according to CIMMYT. The grain also produces yields that are about 10 percent higher than the most commonly grown wheat variety in Bangladesh, Mexico-based CIMMYT wrote in an online report on March 23.

“The danger posed by the Ug99 strain of the disease stem rust to global wheat production is well recognized, and Bangladesh is no exception,” CIMMYT wrote.

CIMMYT said it’s working with the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute on the new wheat variety. The introduction of Francolin was helped in part by a USAID seed-multiplication program, according to the research center.

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