Wednesday 7 May 2014

Production Technology of Onion in Bangladesh

Production Technology of Onion in Bangladesh

Land and soil
Onion may be grown on various soils. But it grows well in friable and well-drained
sandy-loam to clay-loam soil along with optimum PH range between 5.8 and 6.5. The
crop is sensitive to high acidity, alkalinity and salinity. Onions do not thrive well in
the soil below PH 5.8 because of trace element deficiencies and sometimes
aluminum/manganese toxicity. The water-holding capacity of the soil should be high
as onion is a shallow rooted crop. Good drainage is essential. Waterlogging may
cause failure of the crop. Sandy soil needs more and frequent irrigations but favour
early maturity, whereas heavy soil gives rise to misshapen bulbs.
Seed rate
Seed rate of onion depends on its quality, planting system, planting time, spacing etc.
4-5 kg seeds for transplanting system whereas 7-8 kg true seeds and 1200-1500 kg
onion sets are required for cultivation of one hectare land in direct seeding and set
planting method, respectively.
It is also a summer season corp. Bulbs is round in shape
and red in colour. Plant height: 30-40 and 55-65 cm
during early and late kharif season, respectively. Weight
of bulb: 18-22 and 50-55g in early and late kharif
season. The bulb is moderately pungent. The shelf life of
bulbs depends on prevailing rains. However, the bulbs
can be stored maximum two months. Seed yield: 400-
500 kg/ha. Bulb yield: 10-12 t/ha for kharif-1 and 17-20
t/ha for kharif -11. Duration: 90-105 days (kharif-1) and
130-140 days (kharif-11).
BARI Piaz-3
It is a high yielding variety grown for rabi season.
Plant height: 50-60 cm, 10-12 leaves in each plant,
globular and pitcher-shaped bulb, 60-75g per bulb and
dark red in colour. The bulb is pungent in taste.
Comparatively less infestation of pest and diseases.
Bulb yield: 17-22 t/ha. Duration: 160-170 days.
BARI Piaz-4
This variety is mainly grown in kharif season but it
may also be grown throughout the year. Suitable for
early and late kharif cultivation. Short duration. Plant
height: 35-45 and 65-75 cm in plant height for early
and late kharif season, respectively. Globular shape
bulb, 30-40g and 70-80g per bulb in early and late
kharif season and dark red in colour. The bulb is
moderately pungent in taste. Bulb yield: 12-16 t/ha
(kharif-1) and 18-20 t/ha (kharif-11). Duration: 60-80
days (kharif-1) and 115-125 days (kharif-11).
BARI Piaz-5
Name of
Varieties Important Characteristics Crop
(Year of Release)
Seed treatment
Seed should be treated with Dithane M-45 @ 2 g/kg of seeds to avoid damage from
diseases before sowing and protect seedlings from damping off (Pythium spp).
Time of sowing
In transplanting and direct seeding method, the best time for sowing rabi (winter)
crop is late October to November. In case of early and late kharif (summer) onion, it
is sown in February to March and July to August, respectively. In set planting
method, the optimum time is September to October. In case of seed production, late
October to November is the optimum time to plant seed bulb.
Sowing method
Direct seeding: In this method, seed rate is high. Intercultural operation is difficult for
improper plant population. The plants can not use natural resources properly. The bulb
yield is poor. Shelf life of the bulbs is comparatively very poor but labour cost is low.
Onion sets planting: The bulbs produced in this method are entirely fresh (green
onion) and these bulbs are immediately consumed. Premature bolting occurs in this
crop planting. Seed rate of the sets are high.
Seedlings transplanting: This is conventional seedling transplanting method, widely
practiced by farmers. This method shows better results for longer shelf life of onion
bulbs although the labour involvement and cost is high. The seedlings are usually
transplanted on flat beds at a spacing of 15 cm from line to line and 8-10 cm from
plant to plant.
Seedbed preparation
Onion seeds are sown in nursery beds to raise seedlings. The raised beds of 3 m long x
1 m wide and 20-30 cm high are preferred. The length of seed bed may also be formed
in a convenient length depending upon type of soil, level of land, irrigation method
etc. Raised bed is necessary to avoid problem of waterlogging in heavy soil. About 50
cm distance should be provided between 2 beds for easy operation of watering,
weeding, spraying of pesticides etc. The surface of the beds should be smooth and
well-levelled. Insecticide like Furadan should be incorporated in the seed bed to kill
the soil insect-pests. The bed may be covered with polythene for solarization.
Land preparation
Prior to planting sets or direct seeding or transplanting seedlings, land is to be
ploughed sufficiently to eliminate debris and soil clods. The onion land should be
ploughed to a fine tilth by 4-5 times with a sufficient interval between two ploughings.
The land may be ploughed by tractor or power tiller or country plough. But for well
pulverization of the field, ploughing by tractor-driven implements is suitable. After
ploughing, laddering is done for proper leveling. The field is then divided into beds of
1 m wide along with convenient length and channels of 50 cm wide.
Fertilizer dose and application methods
The requirement of nutrients depends on soil type, topography, AEZs, varieties, soil
nutrient status etc. Onion responds very well to organic manures. About 5-10 tons of
cowdung per hectare is adequate. Onion requires higher levels of fertilizers for
maximum yields than most other vegetable crops. Green manuring with Dhaincha
(Sesbania aculeata) and Sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea) may be done to enrich soil
health. Fertilizer dose and application methods are furnished below:
Manures and fertilizer Total amount At the time of 1st installment 2nd installment
/ha last ploughing
Well decomposed Cowdung 5.0-10.0 ton All - -
Urea 240 Kg 80 80 80
TSP 220 Kg All - -
MP 150 Kg 75 38 37
Gypsum 110 Kg All - -
For seed production
Manures and fertilizers are to be applied in land with well decomposed cowdung: 10
tons, urea: 260, TSP: 300MP: 150, Gypsum:100 and Boric acid:10 kg/ha,
respectively. The entire quantities of well-decomposed cowdung are to be applied just
after opening of the land. The total amounts of phosphorus, Gypsum, Boric acid and
two-third of Potassium should be added during final land preparation. The entire urea
is to be incorporated in three equal splits 20, 40 and 60 days after seed bulb planting.
The rest amount of Potassium should be applied 60 days after seed bulb planting.
Onion is a shallow rooted crop. Its root system is normally restricted to top 3 cm and
roots penetrate seldom deeper (15 cm). The water requirement in onion crops depend
upon crop growth, soil type, planting season etc. The water requirement at initial
growth stage is less. At bulb formation, irrigation is necessary and moisture stress at
this stage may lower the yield. The field should not be kept dry for long spell which
otherwise results in splitting and allow to crop early maturity resulting lower yield.
Frequent and light irrigation at weekly intervals have shown good results in bulb
development, increase in yield and quality of the produces. Depending upon rain and
soil type, 5-6 irrigations are enough. As the onion begins to mature and the tops begin
to fall down, irrigation has to be terminated to stop root growth and allow the outer
scale of the bulb to become dry and firm. Thus, irrigation should be stopped at least
15-20 days before harvesting for improving the keeping quality of bulbs.
1.3 Intercultural Operation
Cultural operation keeps the field absolutely free from weeds to produce a good crop
of onion. Onions are one of the vegetable/spice crops most prone to weed infestation.
The crops are poor competitors against weeds due to its slow establishment and a
canopy of short upright leaves. Henceforth, weeding is the most important activity for
this crop.
Special operation for seed production
Earthing up
Soils around the plants should be done to protect seed crops from fall down.
Staking is one of the most important activities for intercultural operation in onion
seed crop. Without this activity the program of onion seed production may be failed
due to breaking of flower stalks by strong wind. Staking should be provided around
the unit plots at 65 days after planting of seed bulbs with bamboo sticks and jute cord
to keep the flower stalk erect and to protect them from strong wind. Breaking the
flower stalks leads to produce higher percentage of chaffy seeds resulting in lower
quality and low yield of onion seed.

1 comment:

  1. Your write up is informative, however it lacks in citing sources. Well I appreciate you as it will help farmers' in onion production.
