Sunday 11 May 2014

Production Technology of Turmeric

Production Technology of  Turmeric

Land and soil
Turmeric can be grown in different types of soil, but it thrives best in well-drained,
fertile, sandy loam to silty loam soil, rich in humus. It should be grown on medium to
high land situation. It cannot stand water stagnation or alkalinity.
Seed rate
Seed (rhizome) rate 2000-2500 kg/hectare. Seed (rhizome) weight of 20-25g is
preferable as planting material.
Plant height: 105-120 cm with 9-10 leaves per plant.
Number of finger: 7-8 and weight of "Motha"
(Primary rhizome): 125-130g per plant. Rhizome
weight per hill or clump: 400-420g, core color is
yellow. Suitable for all over Bangladesh. Rhizome
yield: 28-32 t/ha. Duration: 270-300 days.
Plant height: 60-70cm. Tiller number per plant: 2-3
and number of finger per plant: 7-8.Weight of motha
(primary rhizome): 85-90g, Rhizome weight per
clump: 375-380g. Core color is deep yellow. Suitable
for all over Bangladesh. Rhizome yield: 20-25 t/ha.
Duration: 240-270 days.
Plant height: 110-125 cm. Rhizome weight per
plant: 150-180g and Rhizome per clump: 700-800g.
Core color is deep yellow. The moisture percentage of
dry matter: 14-15%. Suitable for all over Bangladesh.
Rhizome yield: 25-30 t/ha. Duration: 270-300 days.
Name of
Varieties Important Characteristics Crop
(Year of Release)
Seed treatment
Rhizomes are to be treated with Bavistin or Dithane M-45 @ lg/l water. Seeds are to
be soaked in fungicides for about 30-45 minutes and dried in shade.
Time of sowing
Turmeric is generally planted between mid-March to April with the receipt of premonsoon
Land preparation
The land is deeply ploughed 4-5 times to bring them to a fine tilth. Manure is
incorporated during land preparation. Weeds, stubbles, roots are removed. Beds of
1.0-1.5 m width, 25 cm height and of convenient length are prepared with spacing of
50 cm between beds.
Two planting systems/ methods are followed:
Raised Flat bed
Furrow and ridge
Seeds are planted in 50-60 cm row and 25 cm between plants in row.
Fertilizer dose and application method
Whole amount of Cowdung, TSP, Gypsum and half of MP is applied during land
preparation. Half amount of urea is to be applied at 50 days after planting as top
dressing. Rest amount of urea and MP are to be applied at 80 and 110 days after
planting as top dress. Total amount of manures and fertilizers are furnished in the
following table.
*DAP= Days after planting
Mainly rain fed. Depending on the soil types and weather conditions, 6-8 irrigations
may be required.
4.3 Intercultural Operation
Earthing up: After each top dress operation, the plants are to be earthed up.
Manures and Fertilizer
(50 DAP)*
(80 DAP)
(110 DAP)
Cowdung(decomposed) 5.0 ton All - - -
Urea 304 Kg - 152 76 76
TSP 267 Kg All - - -
MP 233 Kg 116 - 59 58
Gypsum 110 Kg All - -
Mulching: The crop is to be mulched immediately after planting with green leaves,
rice straw, or banana pseudo stem or sugarcane trash etc. @ 12-15 t/ha.
Weeding: Weeding should be done thrice at 60, 120 and 150 days after planting
depending upon weed intensity.

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