Sunday 11 May 2014

Pest Management and disease Pest management of Sugarcane

Pest Management and disease Pest management of Sugarcane

Sugarcane is affected by a good number of diseases in Bangladesh. Forty (40)
sugarcane diseases have so far been identified in the country. Of them seed piece
transmissible diseases like red rot, smut, white leaf, ratoon stunting etc. causes
maximum damage to crops in terms of yield and juice quality. Overall 20% losses of
cane are caused by different diseases.
Major diseases and control measures:
Red Rot disease
Red rot is the most serious diseases of sugarcane in Bangladesh. It is a fungal
disorder and has worldwide distribution. The pathogen attacks the stalk as a result the
infected plant initially display a
yellowing of 3rd a n d 4 th l e a f a n d
gradually the whole crown become
yellow and ultimately dries up. Splitting
open of the infected stalk display a red
discolouration intercepted by white
patches symptoms. Due to infection of
red rot, sugarcane plant dries up causing drastic reduction of weight of cane and
sugar. In case of severe infection losses of sugarcane may go as high as 100%.
Intercropping Potato
with Sugarcane
Intercropping Onion (bulb)
with Sugarcane
Intercropping Wheat in
Paired row Sugarcane
Infected field Stalk red rot
2nd Intercrop-Mungbean in
Paired Row Sugarcane
Control measures:
Use of red rot resistant varieties like Isd 2/54, Isd 16, Isd 19, Isd 20, Isd 34, Isd 37,
Isd 38, Isd 39, Isd 40.
Avoid water logging condition in the field.
Avoid ratooning of diseased crop.
Follow crop rotation with green manure crops.
Use heat treated seed materials or their successive generation. Sugarcane seed
(sett) treatment by moist hot air at 54ºC with above 95% relative humidity (RH)
for 4 hours is effective in eradicating red rot pathogen in the sett.
Controlling sugarcane stem borer becauseit is a carrier of red rot pathogen.
Seed Transmissible Diseases
Major seed transmissible diseases are smut (C.O. Ustilago
scitaminea), white leaf (C.O. Phytoplasma), Grassy shoot
(C.O. Phytoplasma) and ratoon stunting (C.O. Clavibacter
xyli). Smut infected plant display of producing whip like
structure from the crown with narrow and erect leaf.
White leaf infected plant shows dwarf growth with albino
leaves. Grassy shoot infected plant display grassy
appearance with numerous tillers. The ratoon stunting
disease affected plant display stunting growth with
pinkish/orange spots at the internal nodal tissues. All these
disease are very much destructive. Due to these diseases in
severe cases the yield of cane could be reduced up to 75%.
Control measures:
Smut, white leaf and grassy shoot diseases could be controlled successfully by
treating seed materials in moist hot air at 54ºC with above 95% RH for 4 hours and
rouging of infected plants.
Ratoon stunting disease can be controlled by treating seed materials in hot water at
50ºC for 3 hours.
Soil borne diseases
Some soil borne fungi such as Ceratocystis paradoxa, Fusarium sp. etc. causes sett
rot and induces germination failure.
Control measures:
To protect setts from the attack of these fungi some
fungicides have been recommended. They are:
Bavistin-50WP, Knowin 50WP, Genuine 50WP,
Headazim 50WP, Seadazim 50WP, Corogim-50WP,
Edvistin-50WP, Forastin-50WP, Agridazim-50WP,
Aimcozim-50WP and Avistin-50WP. Sugarcane setts
are to be treated in 0.01% (1 gm in 1 litre water) of any
of the above fungicide for 30 minutes before planting.
Pineapple disease (Sett rot)
infected sugarcane sett
Smut infected sugarcane plant
White leaf infected clump
Sugarcane nematodes
Nematodes occurring in the sugarcane root environment are
under the genera of Meloidogyne spp, Hoplolaimus spp,
Helicotylenchus s p p , Tylenchorhynchus spp and
Pratylenchus spp. In sugarcane, the symptoms developed
by nematodes resemble those caused by nutrient deficiency,
drought or other root disorders. Unthrifty appearances,
reduced rate of plant growth, stunting of growth etc. They
also act as predisposing agents, cooperators and infection
initiators of root infecting fungi.
Control measures:
Nematicides (Furadan 5G, Rugby 10G, Alphafuran 5G) and Press mud were found
effective in controlling sugarcane nematodes. Furadan 5G @ 2kg a.i./ha, Rugby 10G
@ 2 kg a.i./ha, Alpataran 5G @ 2kg a.i./ha and press mud @ 20 tons per hectare
have been recommended to control sugarcane nematodes.
Root parasite
Striga densiflora is a serious root parasite of sugarcane.
The yield loss of sugarcane in the heavily striga infested
field may go as high as 100%. Due to striga infestation,
sugarcane plants die and disappear.
Control measures:
Striga can be controlled successfully by applying urea
@ 395 kg/ha in 3 (three) installments- 1/3 rd during
planting, 1/3rd during the month of April and the rest
1/3rd during May. Striga plants can be controlled within 24 hrs by spraying 5%
urea solution (5 kg urea in 100 litre water) during sunny day.
Integrated Disease Management (IDM)
Actually no single method is effective in controlling different diseases. Most of the
important diseases of sugarcane can be effectively controlled by integration of
various control approaches. The integrated control approaches are:
Selection of medium high and high lands for sugarcane cultivation.
Selection of disease resistant varieties.
Selection of disease free healthy seed materials.
Heat therapy of seed materials (sett treatment in moist hot air at 54oC with above
95% RH for 4 hours or in hot water at 50oC for 3 hours).
Chemical treatment of seed pieces with Bavistin 50WP (0.1%) or with similar
fungicides, and
Rouging of diseased clumps as and when detected.
Root knot disease
Striga infested sugarcane field
Major insects and their control measures:
Sugarcane Insects
About 70 insects and pests have so far been identified in the country and of them 7-8
insects are very much destructive.It is observed that about 20% yield loss of
sugarcane occurred every year due to insect infestation.
Early shoot borer
The borer larvae enter the plants laterally by one or
more holes in the stalk and bore downwards as well
as upwards killing the growing point, thereby cutting
off the central leaf spindle which dries up forming a
dead heart that can be pulled out easily. The cut off
portion inside the bored plant rots and the dead heart
emits an offensive odour on being pulled out.
Control measures:
Use of resistant variety.
Early planting.
Early shoot borer infested plant is to be cut down at the bottom level and larvae
inside plant are to be the destroyed.
Application of insecticides under Carbofuran group like Furadan 5G, Furafuran
5G, Curatar 5G etc. @ 40 kg/ha at the root zone of sugarcane and to be covered
with soil. After application of insecticide light irrigation is to be applied.
Top Shoot Borer
Female moth of top shoot borer lays egg under side
of sugarcane leaf. It looks like yellowish cotton
mass. Within 6-15 days larvae comes out from egg
and enter into the top of the cane through mid rib
and destroy the top portion of cane. The larva bores
its way to the central core of the spindle through the
unfolded leaves, and as a result rows of shot-holes
become visible when the leaves unfold. Burnt dead heart occur when the larvae cuts
the growing point. In the grown up canes, the infestation results in dead heart which
induces sprouting of the lateral buds giving bunchy top appearance.
Control measures:
Collection of moth and egg mass of top shoot borer by hand and their destruction
(January to June). It is easy, protective and environment friendly.
Top shoot borer affected sugarcane plants are to be cut just below the attacking
point and the larva inside the plants (January to June) destroyed. It is easy, curative
and environment friendly. It should be done in a body in all sugarcane plots.
Early shoot borer affected plant
Top shoot borer affected plant
Granular insecticides like Furadan 5G, Curatar 5G, Sunfuran 5G, Furataf 5G etc.
(Carbofuran insecticides) are to be applied @ 40 kg/ha on both sides of sugarcane
line in the shallow furrow made by plough and covered with soil. After application
of insecticides, light irrigation is to be applied. If sufficient moisture remains in the
soil, no need of irrigation. The insecticides must be applied in of March to May if
infestation levels cross above 5%. It is an effective (above 80%) and phytotonic
insecticides which helps in the growth of sugarcane.
Stem borer
Stem borer is the most serious pest of sugarcane. Due to
its attack 8-70% yield loss of cane may occur. As the
larva feed inside the internodes, excreta of insects are
pushed to the exterior through the bore holes in the top
internodes. Top leaves of infested cane dry completely.
Tunneling of internodes is so severe that the dried top
portion of the cane easily breaks off at the attacking
point. Sett roots are formed in the infested internodes and
envelope the stalk in a network of root hairs. The lateral buds also sprout.
Control measures:
Primary infested cane should be cut down just below the affected point and
destroying the larvae.
Remove the older leaves of sugarcane. It reduces the infestation level of stem borer.
Application of insecticides under Cartaf 4G group like Padan 4G, Sidan 4G, Rajex 4G,
Sundan 4G @ 75 kg/ha on both sides of sugarcane line near the root zone are to be
made and covered with soil. It is effective in controlling stem borers at least by 80%.
Root stock borer
Rootstock borer is a serious pest of sugarcane
which causes yield loss of cane by 2-73%. It attacks
during May-October. Rootstock borer generally
infests the young shoots. When its infestation
occurs during the early stage of crop growth, dead
hearts are formed. But in the grown up canes, no
external symptoms is discernible except yellowing of leaves.The canes have to be
dug out to detect its attack. The dead heart can not be pulled out easily and often, in
the process the plant gets pulled out, with the larva either hanging out at the broken
end of the shoot or remaining partly inside the underground portion and partly
protruding outside.
Control measures:
Root stock borer affected plants should be uprooted and the larvae of insects in the
tunnel of root stock should be destroyed.
Stem borer affected plant
Root stock borer affected plant
Stubble burning after harvest of cane: After harvest of cane the stubble should be
uprooted, dried and burnt in the field. It is very much effective in controlling root
If the infestation level cross above 5% then insecticides under Chloropyriphos
15G group like Lorseban 15G, Pyriban 15G, Nocoban 15G etc. @ 15 kg/ha or
Rugby 10G @ 20 ka/ha should be applied in the root zone on both sides of
sugarcane line and covered with soil.
During application of insecticides, there should be sufficient moisture in the soil or
after insecticide application irrigation should be applied in the field. It is effective
in controlling rootstock borer and it has phytotonic effects.
White grubs
The grubs feed on the roots while the adults feed on
foliage of tree and shrubs.Uneven growth in the field
is observed. It also shows drying of crown, preceded
by yellowing and wilting of leaves; roots are eaten
away. Ultimately, the affected shoot/cane dries
up.High incidence is observed in February-July.
Control measures:
Beetle of white grub living on jackfruit, mango,
guava trees etc. should be controlled by light
trap or by hand net and destroyed.
Land should be deep ploughed and open in the sun for 3-4 days to kill the grubs.
Early planting of sugarcane is recommended.
Affected land should be made stagnant with water for 5-7 days.
Insecticides under Carbofuran group like Furadan 5G, Curatar 5G, Sunfaran 5G,
Furasan 5G etc. @ 40 ka/ha should be applied on both side of sugarcane line in the
shallow furrow made by plough and covered with soil. After insecticide
application, irrigation should be applied. It is very effective in controlling white
grub and it has phytotonic effect on plant.
Insecticide should be applied in March-April.
Termite is also a serious pest of sugarcane. It attacks sugarcane right from planting to
harvest. After planting of sett, termite attack on it and eat the whole sett as a result
gappy stand occur in the field. In the later stage it attacks the root system and stem of
the sugarcane. Sometimes cane filled with moist soil inside the papery rind is displayed.
Sugarcane plant dries up due to attack of termite.
Control measures:
The termiterium should be destroyed and the queen of termite should be killed.
Sugarcane sett should be planted in the deep trenches.
White grub infested plant and
adult of white grub
Setts should be placed in zig-zag method.
Planting sugarcane through spaced transplantation method.
Using food trap (jute stick or Dhaincha inside the earthen pot and killing the
Sett treatment with insecticides like Gauchu 70 WS (0.2%) or with 0.1% of Cruser
70 WS before planting.
Application of insecticides under Fipronil group like Regent 3 GR, Guly 3 GR @
16.66 kg/ha on the setts after placement in the furrow.
1.4 Harvesting and production
Sugarcane should be harvested after attaining proper maturity because both yield and
sugar percentage depends on maturity. Maturity symptoms
Sugarcane is affected by a good number of diseases in Bangladesh. Forty (40)
sugarcane diseases have so far been identified in the country. Of them seed piece
transmissible diseases like red rot, smut, white leaf, ratoon stunting etc. causes
maximum damage to crops in terms of yield and juice quality. Overall 20% losses of
cane are caused by different diseases.
Major diseases and control measures:
Red Rot disease
Red rot is the most serious diseases of sugarcane in Bangladesh. It is a fungal
disorder and has worldwide distribution. The pathogen attacks the stalk as a result the
infected plant initially display a
yellowing of 3rd a n d 4 th l e a f a n d
gradually the whole crown become
yellow and ultimately dries up. Splitting
open of the infected stalk display a red
discolouration intercepted by white
patches symptoms. Due to infection of
red rot, sugarcane plant dries up causing drastic reduction of weight of cane and
sugar. In case of severe infection losses of sugarcane may go as high as 100%.
Intercropping Potato
with Sugarcane
Intercropping Onion (bulb)
with Sugarcane
Intercropping Wheat in
Paired row Sugarcane
Infected field Stalk red rot
2nd Intercrop-Mungbean in
Paired Row Sugarcane
Control measures:
Use of red rot resistant varieties like Isd 2/54, Isd 16, Isd 19, Isd 20, Isd 34, Isd 37,
Isd 38, Isd 39, Isd 40.
Avoid water logging condition in the field.
Avoid ratooning of diseased crop.
Follow crop rotation with green manure crops.
Use heat treated seed materials or their successive generation. Sugarcane seed
(sett) treatment by moist hot air at 54ºC with above 95% relative humidity (RH)
for 4 hours is effective in eradicating red rot pathogen in the sett.
Controlling sugarcane stem borer becauseit is a carrier of red rot pathogen.
Seed Transmissible Diseases
Major seed transmissible diseases are smut (C.O. Ustilago
scitaminea), white leaf (C.O. Phytoplasma), Grassy shoot
(C.O. Phytoplasma) and ratoon stunting (C.O. Clavibacter
xyli). Smut infected plant display of producing whip like
structure from the crown with narrow and erect leaf.
White leaf infected plant shows dwarf growth with albino
leaves. Grassy shoot infected plant display grassy
appearance with numerous tillers. The ratoon stunting
disease affected plant display stunting growth with
pinkish/orange spots at the internal nodal tissues. All these
disease are very much destructive. Due to these diseases in
severe cases the yield of cane could be reduced up to 75%.
Control measures:
Smut, white leaf and grassy shoot diseases could be controlled successfully by
treating seed materials in moist hot air at 54ºC with above 95% RH for 4 hours and
rouging of infected plants.
Ratoon stunting disease can be controlled by treating seed materials in hot water at
50ºC for 3 hours.
Soil borne diseases
Some soil borne fungi such as Ceratocystis paradoxa, Fusarium sp. etc. causes sett
rot and induces germination failure.
Control measures:
To protect setts from the attack of these fungi some
fungicides have been recommended. They are:
Bavistin-50WP, Knowin 50WP, Genuine 50WP,
Headazim 50WP, Seadazim 50WP, Corogim-50WP,
Edvistin-50WP, Forastin-50WP, Agridazim-50WP,
Aimcozim-50WP and Avistin-50WP. Sugarcane setts
are to be treated in 0.01% (1 gm in 1 litre water) of any
of the above fungicide for 30 minutes before planting.
Pineapple disease (Sett rot)
infected sugarcane sett
Smut infected sugarcane plant
White leaf infected clump
Sugarcane nematodes
Nematodes occurring in the sugarcane root environment are
under the genera of Meloidogyne spp, Hoplolaimus spp,
Helicotylenchus s p p , Tylenchorhynchus spp and
Pratylenchus spp. In sugarcane, the symptoms developed
by nematodes resemble those caused by nutrient deficiency,
drought or other root disorders. Unthrifty appearances,
reduced rate of plant growth, stunting of growth etc. They
also act as predisposing agents, cooperators and infection
initiators of root infecting fungi.
Control measures:
Nematicides (Furadan 5G, Rugby 10G, Alphafuran 5G) and Press mud were found
effective in controlling sugarcane nematodes. Furadan 5G @ 2kg a.i./ha, Rugby 10G
@ 2 kg a.i./ha, Alpataran 5G @ 2kg a.i./ha and press mud @ 20 tons per hectare
have been recommended to control sugarcane nematodes.
Root parasite
Striga densiflora is a serious root parasite of sugarcane.
The yield loss of sugarcane in the heavily striga infested
field may go as high as 100%. Due to striga infestation,
sugarcane plants die and disappear.
Control measures:
Striga can be controlled successfully by applying urea
@ 395 kg/ha in 3 (three) installments- 1/3 rd during
planting, 1/3rd during the month of April and the rest
1/3rd during May. Striga plants can be controlled within 24 hrs by spraying 5%
urea solution (5 kg urea in 100 litre water) during sunny day.
Integrated Disease Management (IDM)
Actually no single method is effective in controlling different diseases. Most of the
important diseases of sugarcane can be effectively controlled by integration of
various control approaches. The integrated control approaches are:
Selection of medium high and high lands for sugarcane cultivation.
Selection of disease resistant varieties.
Selection of disease free healthy seed materials.
Heat therapy of seed materials (sett treatment in moist hot air at 54oC with above
95% RH for 4 hours or in hot water at 50oC for 3 hours).
Chemical treatment of seed pieces with Bavistin 50WP (0.1%) or with similar
fungicides, and
Rouging of diseased clumps as and when detected.
Root knot disease
Striga infested sugarcane field
Major insects and their control measures:
Sugarcane Insects
About 70 insects and pests have so far been identified in the country and of them 7-8
insects are very much destructive.It is observed that about 20% yield loss of
sugarcane occurred every year due to insect infestation.
Early shoot borer
The borer larvae enter the plants laterally by one or
more holes in the stalk and bore downwards as well
as upwards killing the growing point, thereby cutting
off the central leaf spindle which dries up forming a
dead heart that can be pulled out easily. The cut off
portion inside the bored plant rots and the dead heart
emits an offensive odour on being pulled out.
Control measures:
Use of resistant variety.
Early planting.
Early shoot borer infested plant is to be cut down at the bottom level and larvae
inside plant are to be the destroyed.
Application of insecticides under Carbofuran group like Furadan 5G, Furafuran
5G, Curatar 5G etc. @ 40 kg/ha at the root zone of sugarcane and to be covered
with soil. After application of insecticide light irrigation is to be applied.
Top Shoot Borer
Female moth of top shoot borer lays egg under side
of sugarcane leaf. It looks like yellowish cotton
mass. Within 6-15 days larvae comes out from egg
and enter into the top of the cane through mid rib
and destroy the top portion of cane. The larva bores
its way to the central core of the spindle through the
unfolded leaves, and as a result rows of shot-holes
become visible when the leaves unfold. Burnt dead heart occur when the larvae cuts
the growing point. In the grown up canes, the infestation results in dead heart which
induces sprouting of the lateral buds giving bunchy top appearance.
Control measures:
Collection of moth and egg mass of top shoot borer by hand and their destruction
(January to June). It is easy, protective and environment friendly.
Top shoot borer affected sugarcane plants are to be cut just below the attacking
point and the larva inside the plants (January to June) destroyed. It is easy, curative
and environment friendly. It should be done in a body in all sugarcane plots.
Early shoot borer affected plant
Top shoot borer affected plant
Granular insecticides like Furadan 5G, Curatar 5G, Sunfuran 5G, Furataf 5G etc.
(Carbofuran insecticides) are to be applied @ 40 kg/ha on both sides of sugarcane
line in the shallow furrow made by plough and covered with soil. After application
of insecticides, light irrigation is to be applied. If sufficient moisture remains in the
soil, no need of irrigation. The insecticides must be applied in of March to May if
infestation levels cross above 5%. It is an effective (above 80%) and phytotonic
insecticides which helps in the growth of sugarcane.
Stem borer
Stem borer is the most serious pest of sugarcane. Due to
its attack 8-70% yield loss of cane may occur. As the
larva feed inside the internodes, excreta of insects are
pushed to the exterior through the bore holes in the top
internodes. Top leaves of infested cane dry completely.
Tunneling of internodes is so severe that the dried top
portion of the cane easily breaks off at the attacking
point. Sett roots are formed in the infested internodes and
envelope the stalk in a network of root hairs. The lateral buds also sprout.
Control measures:
Primary infested cane should be cut down just below the affected point and
destroying the larvae.
Remove the older leaves of sugarcane. It reduces the infestation level of stem borer.
Application of insecticides under Cartaf 4G group like Padan 4G, Sidan 4G, Rajex 4G,
Sundan 4G @ 75 kg/ha on both sides of sugarcane line near the root zone are to be
made and covered with soil. It is effective in controlling stem borers at least by 80%.
Root stock borer
Rootstock borer is a serious pest of sugarcane
which causes yield loss of cane by 2-73%. It attacks
during May-October. Rootstock borer generally
infests the young shoots. When its infestation
occurs during the early stage of crop growth, dead
hearts are formed. But in the grown up canes, no
external symptoms is discernible except yellowing of leaves.The canes have to be
dug out to detect its attack. The dead heart can not be pulled out easily and often, in
the process the plant gets pulled out, with the larva either hanging out at the broken
end of the shoot or remaining partly inside the underground portion and partly
protruding outside.
Control measures:
Root stock borer affected plants should be uprooted and the larvae of insects in the
tunnel of root stock should be destroyed.
Stem borer affected plant
Root stock borer affected plant
Stubble burning after harvest of cane: After harvest of cane the stubble should be
uprooted, dried and burnt in the field. It is very much effective in controlling root
If the infestation level cross above 5% then insecticides under Chloropyriphos
15G group like Lorseban 15G, Pyriban 15G, Nocoban 15G etc. @ 15 kg/ha or
Rugby 10G @ 20 ka/ha should be applied in the root zone on both sides of
sugarcane line and covered with soil.
During application of insecticides, there should be sufficient moisture in the soil or
after insecticide application irrigation should be applied in the field. It is effective
in controlling rootstock borer and it has phytotonic effects.
White grubs
The grubs feed on the roots while the adults feed on
foliage of tree and shrubs.Uneven growth in the field
is observed. It also shows drying of crown, preceded
by yellowing and wilting of leaves; roots are eaten
away. Ultimately, the affected shoot/cane dries
up.High incidence is observed in February-July.
Control measures:
Beetle of white grub living on jackfruit, mango,
guava trees etc. should be controlled by light
trap or by hand net and destroyed.
Land should be deep ploughed and open in the sun for 3-4 days to kill the grubs.
Early planting of sugarcane is recommended.
Affected land should be made stagnant with water for 5-7 days.
Insecticides under Carbofuran group like Furadan 5G, Curatar 5G, Sunfaran 5G,
Furasan 5G etc. @ 40 ka/ha should be applied on both side of sugarcane line in the
shallow furrow made by plough and covered with soil. After insecticide
application, irrigation should be applied. It is very effective in controlling white
grub and it has phytotonic effect on plant.
Insecticide should be applied in March-April.
Termite is also a serious pest of sugarcane. It attacks sugarcane right from planting to
harvest. After planting of sett, termite attack on it and eat the whole sett as a result
gappy stand occur in the field. In the later stage it attacks the root system and stem of
the sugarcane. Sometimes cane filled with moist soil inside the papery rind is displayed.
Sugarcane plant dries up due to attack of termite.
Control measures:
The termiterium should be destroyed and the queen of termite should be killed.
Sugarcane sett should be planted in the deep trenches.
White grub infested plant and
adult of white grub
Setts should be placed in zig-zag method.
Planting sugarcane through spaced transplantation method.
Using food trap (jute stick or Dhaincha inside the earthen pot and killing the
Sett treatment with insecticides like Gauchu 70 WS (0.2%) or with 0.1% of Cruser
70 WS before planting.
Application of insecticides under Fipronil group like Regent 3 GR, Guly 3 GR @
16.66 kg/ha on the setts after placement in the furrow.
1.4 Harvesting and production
Sugarcane should be harvested after attaining proper maturity because both yield and
sugar percentage depends on maturity. Maturity symptoms

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