Sunday 11 May 2014

Major diseases and control measures of Potato:

Major diseases and control measures of Potato:

Fungal disease
A total of 57 diseases and disorders of potato have, so far, been recorded in
Bangladesh. Among them, late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont de Bary), stem
canker and Black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) are the most important disease of potato
in Bangladesh.
Late Blight
Late blight is the major limiting factor to increase potato production. In Bangladesh,
the infection of late blight was first reported in 1922. It occurs every year under
favourable condition (High humidity, low temperature and
foggy weather) with varying intensities wherever potato is
grown in the country. More than 25% yield is reduced due
to late blight of potato every year. All the cultivated
varieties in Bangladesh are more or less susceptible to late
blight. Potato variety, Raja, Dheera and BARI TPS-1 and
2 showed tolerant reaction to late blight disease. In
general TPS progenies are more tolerant compared to
tuber varieties. Late blight infected stem
Late blight appears on leaves, petiole and stem as pale green and turns into brown to
black water soaked spots under favorable condition.White cottony mycelial growth
appears under the surface of infected leaf in the morning during high humidity and
leaf wetness condition. Under cool, foggy and wet conditions, whole plant of the field
rot and die rapidly within 4-5 days and tubers also rot and spread in storage. Under
severe condition, emits foul smell from rotted leaf in the field. The sections from
infected tuber appeared brown with necrotic tissues.
Control measures:
Use disease free certified seeds.
Follow early planting and early harvesting (15 Novto 15 Feb).
Weed management.
Haulm pulling at 80 DAP.
Under cool, foggy and wet conditions, spray should be continued with fungicides
at 15 days interval. Any of the fungicides like Dithane M-45 or Indofil or Melody
duo or Hamancozeb @ 0.2% at 15 days interval should be done.
When symptoms appear, spraying with fungicides or mixture of fungicides at 7
days interval
Secure @ 1 g/ L water or
Melody duo 2 g + Secure 1 g in 1 litre water or
Acrobat MZ 2 g + Secure 1 g in 1 litre water or
Acrobat MZ 2 g + Melody duo 2 g in 1 litre water or
Melody duo 2 g + Dithane M-45 2 g in 1 litre water
High ridge during earthing up.
Restricted irrigation in the infected field.
Do not cover the harvested tuber lots by infected potato debris.
Sorting of infected tubers during storage.
Stem canker and Black Scurf
Causal fungus of this disease is Rhizoctonia solaniand now becoming a major disease
of potato in Bangladesh.
Aerial green tubers produce in the axes of petioles and branches.Sunken shallow
brown cankers affect stolons and stem at or below the soil line. Ultimately, infected
plant died and tuber size reduced.
Control measures:
Use of disease free seed.
Destruction of crop debris.
Crop rotation with cereals or leguminous crop.
Seed treatment with Boric acid (3%) before storage.
Rogue out of diseased plant from the field.
Spraying with Bavistin (0.1%) at the base of the plant.
Avoid excessive irrigation.
Stem canker and Black
Scurf infected plant
Bacterial disease management
Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum), Common scab (Streptomyces scabies) and Soft
rot (Erwinia spp.) are the most important bacterial diseases of potato in Bangladesh.
Bacterial Wilt
Initial symptoms of wilt may affect one side of a leaf first,
or one branch and not another. Later symptoms are severe
wilt and death. Vascular strands darken and in cross
section a gray to brown slime exudes, except in mild cases
which may be confirmed by the flow of milky white
strands from a stem section immersed in clear water.
Control measures:
Rresistant source of bacterial wilt was not detected in Bangladesh.
Use of certified seeds.
Use of whole tuber.
High ridge during earthing up.
Crop rotation with non-solanaceous crop.
Soil application with stable bleaching powder (SBP)@ 25-30 kg/ha.
Intercropping with maize or wheat.
Minimum irrigation should be maintained and irrigation should be stopped at the
moment of disease expression.
Diseased plant should be removed including surrounding soil and apply SBP at the
rate of 20-25 kg/ha into the affected area.
Blackleg and Soft Rot
Black and slimy lesions most often progress
up the stem from the soft rotted mother tuber.
Young plants are commonly stunted and erect.
Yellowing and upward rolling of leaflets may
occur, finally wilting and death. Soft rot in
field or storage often follows any type of tuber
injury. Tissues become wet, cream to tan
colored and soft, and are easily separated from
healthy tissue. Emit foul smell.
Control measures:
Use diseased free seed.
Prohibit excess irrigation in the field.
Early cultivation should be done to avoid high temperature.
Maintain proper grading before storage.
Soil amendment with SBP @ 20-25 kg/ha.
Tuber should be treated with 3.0% Boric acid solution before storing as seed tuber.
Bacterial wilt infected plant
Black leg infected plant Soft rot infected tuber
Crop rotation with cereals or leguminous crop.
Harvest in dry weather and proper care during harvest, transit & storage.
Potato should be storedin dry and well ventilated room.
Destruction of crop debris.
Common Scab
Scab appears on tubers as circulate to irregular lesions as
corky-appearing, raised and pitted. They are variable in
size and shape.Periderm turns brown and rough. Under
severe condition, the periderm depressed and rotted.
Control measures:
Application of ammonium sulfate (equally in three
installments) instead of urea as a nitrogen source
proved most effective in reducing common scab disease of potato.
It was also found that the incidence of common scab can be minimized effectively
by maintaining proper soil moisture from 30 DAP to 60 DAP.
Seed treatment with 3% boric acid before storage showed most effective in
reducing scab disease of potato.
Crop rotation with cereals or leguminous crop.
Green manuring crop should be used.
Virus diseases
Viruses are the main problem in our country to reduce potato production. It decreased the
production generation to generation of potato. There are several viruses remain in plant
and tuber in latent condition. However, major viruses of potato are described below.
Potato Leaf Roll Virus Disease (PLRV)
Leaves become upward rolled which initiates from lower
leaves. Rolled leaves are stiff and leathery and plant growth
often stunted. PLRV is transmitted by aphid. Spots appear on
leaves and defoliation occurred.
Potato Viruses Y (PVY)
Leaves became twisting and downward turning of leaflet
margin. Plant growth severely stunted. Leaf and tuber size
reduced markedly. Leaves look shiny.
Mosaics (Potato Viruses X, S and M) diseases
Mosaic symptoms may be caused in leaves of potatoes by
several different viruses singly or in combination. Normally
causes mosaic, crinkling, top necrosis, spotting or even leaf
drop. Sometimes necrosis of petioles and leaf veins are
occurred. Leaves are stiff and leathery and plant growth often
stunted. Yield is reduced.
Common scab infected tuber
PLRV infected tuber
PVY infected plant
combinely infected plant
Control measures:
Use disease free certified seed.
Follow early planting and early harvesting (15 Nov to 15 Feb).
Isolation distance maintains.
Weed management.
Virus eradication through tissue culture.
Indexing viruses through ELISA.
Production of breeder seed under net-house.
Haulm pulling at 80 DAP.
Grading, sorting and storing in cold storage maintaining proper temp.
Rouging all virus infected plants.
Spraying systemic insecticides as Admire (0.05%) to control vector.

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