Wednesday 7 May 2014

Production Technology of Potato_bangladesh

Production Technology of  Potato_bangladesh

Land and soil
Medium high to high land with loamy to sandy loam soil is the best suitable for
potato cultivation.
Seed rate
1.5- 2.0 t/ha (whole tuber); 1.2 -1.5 t/ha (cut tuber)
Seed treatment
Seed should be treated with 3% boric acid solution before sprouting for controlling
the common scab disease. In this case, boric acid should be melted with light heat
water. After cooling of the boric acid solution, it should be sprayed on potato tuber.
Time of sowing
15 to 30 November is the optimum time but sowing may be done in October to December.
Land preparation
Soil should be tilth properly by ploughing and laddering.
It was developed in Bangladesh by Crossing programme.
Plant: Medium height, intermediate type of stem, stem green
with no anthocyanine coloration. Leaves: Medium size of leaf
with no anthocyanine coloration on mid rib, very weak
waviness of margin of the leaflet. Tuber: Yellow skin, oval to
long oval shaped, medium size, shallow eye and light yellow
flesh. Tuber yield: 38-44 t/ha. Duration: 90-95 days.
BARI Alu-37
It was introduced from Germany; Plant: Medium height,
intermediate type of stem, growth habit semi-erect and stem
green with very weak anthocyanine coloration on the base of
the stem. Leaves: Medium green leaf, leaf with no
anthocyanine coloration of mid rib, very weak waviness of
margin of the leaflet. Tubers: Brownish skin, oval to long
oval shaped, medium size, shallow eye and cream colour
flesh. Tuber yield: 32-40 t/ha. Duration: 90-95 days.
BARI Alu-38
It was introduced from the Netherlands; Plant: Medium
height, intermediate type of stem, growth habit semi-erect to
spreading, stem green with no anthocyanine coloration.
Leaves: Medium size of leaf with no anthocyanine coloration
on mid rib, very weak waviness of margin of the leaflet.
Tubers : Brounish skin, oval to long oval shaped, medium to
large size, shallow eye and cream colour flesh. Tuber yield:
30-40 t/ha. Duration: 90-95 days.
BARI Alu-39
Name of
Varieties Important Characteristics Crop
(Year of Release)
Sowing method
Ridge to Furrow method
Fertilizer application
Cowdung 10 t/ha (at final land preparation), (i) Urea 350 kg/ha (50% at the time of
planting + 50% at 30-35 days after planting), (ii) TSP 100 kg/ha, (iii) MP 210 kg/ha,
(iv) Zypsum 84 kg/ha, (v) Micronutrient deficient in soil like ZnS04 and Boric acid
may be fertilized @ 12 and 5 kg/ha, respectively as basal dose. Zn fertilizer is not
allowed to mix with Phosphatic fertilizer.
Irrigations need for potato cultivation depending on the soil type. Sometimes, presowing
irrigation may be required. Normally irrigation at 8-10, 40-45 and 60-65 days
after sowing could be applied. Irrigation water should be maintained 2/3rd depth of
the furrow.
1.3 Intercultural Operations
Weeding followed by top dressing and earthing up should be done at 30-35 days after
sowing (DAS). In some cases, weeding may be required at 10-15 and 60-65 days
after sowing (DAS).

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